TRACEPLAN - The effective route optimization tool

To save up substantial costs, an effective plan for the distribution of goods, collection of orders or routes of sales representatives is necessary. Shortening the planning and delivery time itself, lower fuel costs and, last but not least, customer satisfaction with the professional service, all this is brought to you by ourPositrex))) TracePlan tool. A big advantage in recruiting new drivers is the time saved on training. The new driver is just as capable as a driver with many years of experience.


How does it work?

The route is ideally uploaded to the system in a CSV file, which contains data about the points of interest (locations) in GPS coordinates. POIs can be also added simply by clicking on the map. Based on the route length and travel times, the system will automatically find the most efficient way for delivery. It is also possible to add a delay time to the particular POI and adjust the route to the current situation. When arriving at the point of interest, the driver can confirm the fulfilment of the order, add a note, or send messages directly to the dispatcher.

Aplikace Positrex - svozový plán
Aplikace Positrex - svozový plán


  • Visualization and optimization of routes
  • Direct communication between driver and dispatcher
  • Real-time route adjustment


Easy connection

  • Connection to any navigation system
  • Windows, Android, iOS compatible


Aplikace Positrex - svozový plán


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